How do some lizards able to dissolve in there environment?
Reptiles have several natural protective mechanisms, including venom, spines and camouflage. Camouflage is the biological ability to change into a background using body, particularly skin. Certain reptiles have a constant skin tone that matches their natural habitat others are able to change their skin tone to match different habitats. The ability to change according to the environment helps these animals to help them protect from there predators. Some among the species like chameleon change themselves in a perfection that many times they remain unseen evenif the predators go very close to them. Chameleons are able to change colors because of specialized cells in their skins called chromatophores. There are actually specific types of skin cells for each color that the chameleon can produce. The chameleon causes these cells to activate by sending messages from their brains to their skin cells. This ability also helps these animals to go very close without notice towards there prey.